Springfield Paranormal Research Group
The Villisca Axe murder house in Iowa
Villisca Axe murder EVPs
At 11 seconds listen for a name being said.At 22 and 28 sec. a (YES) can be heard."
At 5 seconds listen for a name being said.It's hard to hear."
at 13 seconds listen for a name being said."
This recorder was upstairs by its self.at 7 sec. into it listen for something being said.
Recorder was upstairs by its self.You can hear bumping noises.
Recorder was upstairs by its self.Cant make out what this is at the end.
Recorder was upstairs by its self. You can hear us downstairs but listen to how close the banging is to the recorder.
Recorder was upstairs by its self. Listen to how close the banging is to the recorder.
Recorder was upstairs by its self. You can hear us downstairs but listen to how close the voice is to the recorder.
Down stairs Recorder. You can hear at 11 sec. a SHHHH sound.We make it a point never to use that on our investigations.
Down stairs Recorder. At 12 sec. you can hear it tell me (NO).You can hear at 21 sec. a SHHHH sound.
Recorder was upstairs by its self. lISTEN AT 15 SEC.
Recorder was upstairs by its self.This was great we have about 2 hours of this going on.
Heres another one."